Sunday, June 23, 2013

GTU 5th Sem Visual Basic Application Books

Here is a list of links for the books of the Visual Basic Applications.
There are some online Google books included.

1) VBA Developer's Handbook(2nd Edition, 2001)
Authors: Ken Getz Ken Getz, Mike Gilbert
Publication: Wiley Publication, Sybex.

Links:Link 1
Link 2

2)Excel VBA Macro Programming, 2004
Author: Richard Shepherd
Publication: Mc-Graw Hill.


3)Mastering VBA (2nd Edition, 2005)
Author: Guy Hart-Davis
Publication: Wiley Publication, Sybex.


4)Access VBA Programming
Authors: Charles Brown, Ron Petrusha
Publication: Mc-Graw Hill


5)Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2007 (2nd Edition)
Author: Richard Mansfield
Publication: Wiley Publication, Sybex.


And this is also one Practical book, which we have to use in practical
So download this book and enjoy coding of Macros at your home

6)Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition
Author: Steven Roman
Publisher: O'Reilly

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